Subscription Benefits

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Exclusive Member Savings

15% savings on every subscription shipment, plus free shipping in the U.S.

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Free Skincare

Free gift on your 1st subscription order + 3X points on all subscription orders to redeem on products of your choice.

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Early Access to Sales

Members receive first access to our biggest sales of the year.

icon adjust@2x
Cancel Online Anytime

Rest assured you can easily cancel your membership online for any reason at any time.

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Invitation to VIP Community

Join our private community to connect on skincare that’s safe for you, animals and the planet.

How It Works


Pick your True Botanicals faves, subscribe to auto-delivery, and get an exclusive 15% savings on every shipment.*


Choose your ship date and delivery frequency. You’ll get email reminders and can change or cancel at any time.


Enjoy free shipping in the U.S. on orders $35+

Choose your first product to get started

15 Items

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

You can subscribe to your favorite True Botanicals must-haves here or any product page. Just choose the “Subscribe and save 15% on all shipments” option on the page and select your frequency.

Not sure how often you should ship? Don’t sweat it. Just click on the question mark to get suggestions based on your lifestyle.

Can I cancel anytime?

Absolutely! You can cancel at any time by going to Your Subscriptions, clicking on the specific product subscription and selecting “Cancel Subscription.” Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any help at We’re here for you!

How do I edit my subscription?

Whether you need your product ASAP or want to skip, it’s easy to adjust your skincare delivery at any time. After your first subscription is placed, you will want to log into your True Botanicals account. Go to “Your Subscriptions” to edit your ship date, frequency, quantity, add one-time products or more.

How do I include one-time products to my shipment?

After you make your first subscription, log into your account and head to “Your Subscriptions.”

On Mobile Devices: You can add another subscription by selecting the “+” button next to your current product subscription. Then add your one-time product.

On Desktop: You can add one-time products by selecting the “EDIT SUBSCRIPTION DETAILS” link on the top left of the page, then click on the “ADD” button to add the new subscription to your next shipment.

Why did you change your True Botanicals subscription platform?

Because we wanted to give you the best experience possible! Our new and improved membership portal will give you more flexibility and control over your subscriptions. You can more easily update your shipments to include one-time products as well.

We always love to hear your feedback, so please let us know if you’d like to see anything there at

* 15% only applicable to selected products.

Subscribe & Save 15%